Back by special request

Author: Aaron KD Bourn / Labels: , ,

Man it feels like forever ago that I last blogged. It was quite a long time wasn't it? Dear me. Well listen, Zoe was like 'oh man do another blog' and so here I am. Blogging. And actually this time I do have some stuff to write about. You lucky, lucky people. First of all I think I'll share a few photos that I've took recently, just ones that make me look talented with a camera. If you're an avid fan of me anywhere else on the internet (and why wouldn't you be quite frankly) then you might have scoped a few of these before. Either way they're here now so just calm down and take a look.

Narayan playing an exclusive acoustic set at J's.

A random Balloon down near Mill Pond in Cambridge

Little bit of motion blur action at CRC

The classic dandelion depth-of-field shot

That'll do for that then. I never really wanted to be a photographer but I like doing it you know? It's a hobby and guess what I'm pretty good guys ;D SO yes onto more or less more important matters. Man, this 80's music countdown has just turned up on TMF. Let me just say that YOU ARE GOLD, GOOOLLDD!! Yes yes yes yes yes.

Ok so I decided on uni's didn't I? Got my applications sorted. Bournemouth first choice, LSBU as backup - sorry Stafford. It's not you, it's me. Now I gotta deal with applying for accomodation and student finance and whatnot. Oh and I also have to deal with getting IN to Bournemouth. DMM is required. I should be able to manage it, just gotta merit the majority of FMP and I'm there. Happy days. College has been such a drag lately though, I've just lost every ounce of desire to do anything when I'm there. I know Lav and Col feel pretty much the same. A lot of the problem is that we haven't had any lecturers for like 3 weeks, no-one's pushing us or giving us any info about assignments, no-one knows when the deadlines are for stuff, it's just a mess basically. They need to sort their shit out. Apparently we've got an assignment in for Thursday. Jesus my life. Better get to work on that riiight.

So I been filming FMP lately, not just mine (cos tbf I didn't film that, Jamir did) but I'm acting in Lav's too, and I helped out on J's. If you get a chance to get to the FMP screening (June 24th I think?) some of the stuff I've seen is looking pretty good. Not mine. Or Lav's, even though I'm in it so it's pretty good by default, but Laurie's monologue movie looks amazing, and Pat's Shane Meadows-stylee beat 'em up is also looking mint. Oh brb gotta put some pasta on. Yeah so we're nearing the end of the course now, and I don't think I'm alone in saying THANK CHRIST FOR THAT. Year 1 was amazing. Year 2 less so. I guess I had some personal shit that kinda dragged me down during this year but I dunno. I still don't think the course is structured or organised well at all. Man I've made that point twice now. I should shut up about that.

So Scrubs finished in the US the other night. That sucks. That means it'll be finishing over here in like a year and a half. It's probably my favourite ever TV show. Either Scrubs or House. Or Diagnosis Murder but that's for retro comedy value. Man I really like medical shows. What's that about? Obviously I have a subconscious desire to be a doctor. I would love to be a doctor. How long does it take to be a doctor? Like seven years? I could rattle that out in a few months. Easy as pie. Nah but seriously, it takes a lot of time and commitment to be a doctor. Commitment that i most probably don't have. Ah well. Maybe in the next life eh. Oh food time. Gimme a few minutes here. Ok score. That was nice. I had red sauce on pasta with sauusaage chopped up in it. (Linda McCartney cos of course I've gone veggie for a little while.) Pisses me off, Steve keeps saying 'oh it's like saying you're a Christian and not believing in God' and I'm like 'no it isn't? I didn't say I don't believe in meat.' What it's like is I'm not eating meat for a while and seeing what happens. That's it. Ta-da.

This summer is gonna suck for me. Don't even know where I'll be living until university. But what does it matter right? I'm not saying I believe in like, 'fate' as in a set outline of exactly what is gonna happen. Cos that'd just suck. But you know, whatever happens happens. And I'm just gonna embrace it. Go for what I want and let everything else sort itself out. Our hot water is broken. FML.
Currently listening: Bob Marley - Three Little Birds with American Dad in the background
Currently watching: Man Utd vs. Man City (COME ON YOU BLUUEESSS!!)
Currently also: Playing Football Manager. Esbjerg fB.

Right then. There we go. Satisfactory. Gonna go wake steve up and have a beer. Real nice.

OH p.s. If you're on twitter how about you follow these people: @ryanqnorth, @scottmccloud @dresdencodak and @untoward - all my webcomic guys. Ryan North of, Scott McCloud from that book, Aaron Diaz from and Joey Comeau from and hell why not follow @zoe_louise too, just cos she's lovely and awesome :D



Lavinia said...

thanks for saying my FMP's gonna be shit bourn

Aaron KD Bourn said...


Love u really babestation xo
You got that sick ink yet?

Lavinia said...

no i actually think ur a cunt for that

naaah everyone was to hungover apparently that wont help getting inked at all ahah next sunday ftw!

Aaron KD Bourn said...

That's fine I guess. I am a cunt straight up. I'm glad you're finding that out now tbh.

But Lav...I'm all out of Love, what am I without you, I can't be too late to say I was so wrong... DUM DUM DUM ... Sorry, Magic FM getting in my head. It's all hood.

I've been watching A LOT of Snoop Dogg. Excuse the blackness. Chuuurch! xo AND OK WELL I'M GONNA HOLD YOU TO THAT.